Friday, May 4, 2012

Note the differenrce in the polished side and oxidized.  You can see it in this photo.
I took a day off to try to finish up the polishing project on the hull.  Came out pretty good so far.  On close inspection of the hull I can see many stains and blemishes that probably only a paint job can fix.

The yard has put my boat on a part of the yard that has a slope.  Makes it really hard to put scaffolding down and keeping from killing myself.  I this blog stops it is because I am dead.  I told them I want to work on the hull and this is where they put the boat.  Oh well I launch next week.

Working all day on the hull doing the 3 step prep of sanding with 1000 grit, compound and then polish was a lot of work and I usually run out of steam at the end of the day.  Holding a buffer over your head is also tough on the shoulders and arms.  I was going to do this over a weekend but now glad that I spread it over a few days with  a break in between to give my body a chance to recover.  (Old age sucks)...

I also did some gel coat touch up on some bad places.  I sent a sample to a company to match the hull and it came back pretty good.  You can hardily see where I touched it up.

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