Monday, April 23, 2012

Getting boat ready for launch hull cleaning

Last weekend  (Saturday)  I drove down to the boat.  The specific purpose was to remove the Polyglo from the hull using the spray can of remover  I bought last year.  I worked pretty well.  First I used the power washer to get as much dirt off as I could.  Then spayed about 4 feet worth of remover swirled with sponge and then powerwash rinsed it off.  The can says do not let it dry and wash within 2 minutes.
Here are some before and after photos. This before note the  shine from the Polyglo.
 Before note the white part with soem polyglo removerd.

 After note oxidized hull.

After .

Next week I am going to polish the hull and try to bring back the shine.  Polyglo was pretty easy but after a few years it shows dirt and stains.